About Me laurabechthold September 6, 2024

About me

As a curious social scientist and Professor of Technology Assessment & Cultural Management, I am passionate about bridging the gap between theory and practice. My work focuses on the societal implications of emerging technologies, exploring how they shape our future. I also have a love for topics of (life long) learning, future skills and education — understanding which skills will be crucial in the future and how individuals across all life stages can develop them.

I have a rich academic background in economics, political sciences, cultural management, and sustainability from prestigious institutions like Zeppelin University, Maastricht University, LMU Munich, and UC Berkeley. I have cultivated a broad expertise in assessing the societal and ethical implications of emerging technologies. Between 2013 and 2018, I was part of the management team at the renowned Munich Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) and earned my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Today, I mainly focus on topics like Futures Literacy, Responsible Innovation, and Ethical Foresight for emerging technologies.

Before entering academia full-time, I worked as a consultant and advisor for several companies on topics of strategy, innovation and transformation.

In 2021, I was selected for a Fellowship for Innovation in Higher Education by the German Stifterverband and the Baden-Württemberg Foundation. Ever since, I am committed to fostering entrepreneurial competencies through innovative, game-based learning methods.

In 2022, I co-founded the Bavarian Foresight Institute, where my colleagues and I conduct interdisciplinary research projects on technology-oriented foresight and the associated economic and social interdependencies.

My Public Profiles

Fun Facts


I have time-number-color-space synesthesia, a type of neurodiversity where I perceive numbers, dates, and even time as specific colors and shapes in space. This unique way of perceiving the world fills my life with color and creativity every day, adding a twist to everything I do!


My research on female role models in entrepreneurship has gained international recognition and earned multiple awards. By exploring how women entrepreneurs inspire the next generation, it is my goal to contribute valuable and science-based insights to shaping conversations around gender equality in business.


I launched my first startup at just 21—a social business that led to a long-term partnership with a local prison. Since then, I’ve been driven by my passion for creative and entrepreneurial projects. Some succeed, some don’t, but I love the process! My latest venture? A pop-up art gallery and wine shop in Munich, co-created with former colleagues.


On Tour

Past public speaking activities.

  • 13.12.2023 | Olympiastützpunkt Bayern
    Into the Future – Insights into the World of Tomorrow
    Audience: approx. 20 people
  • 01.12.2023 | University of Hohenheim, Keynote at the Day of Teaching
    My Algorithmic Professor? Human vs. Machine in the Classroom of the Future
    Audience: approx. 100 people
  • 15.11.2023 | FSJ Conference, German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ), Keynote
    Future for All
    Audience: approx. 100 people
  • 22.09.2023 | HYVE GmbH
    Foresight, Futures, Fiction – A Scientific Perspective on Working with the Future
    Audience: approx. 50 people
  • 22.06.2023 | UNESCO PMU Symposium
    Using Paradoxical Thinking to Make Sense of the Future
    Audience: approx. 100 people
  • 11.05.2023 | Gewächshaus M – Innovation Community of the Malteser
    Density of Change – Impulse and Workshop on Working with the Future
    Audience: approx. 50 people
  • 08.05.2023 | Integrata Foundation
    From Desirable to Possible – The Role of Foresight in Developing Responsible AI
    Audience: approx. 30 people
  • 24.04.2023 | Center of Entrepreneurship, TH Ingolstadt
    Diverse Minds, Diverse Ventures – How Gender Diversity Fuels Entrepreneurship
    Audience: approx. 20 people
  • 14.02.2023 | Safer Internet Day (Federal Ministry for the Environment & Bitkom e.V.)
    Panel Discussion on Corporate Digital Responsibility
    Audience: approx. 100 people from politics and business
  • 01.02.2023 | Xpert Insight – Lufthansa Innovation Hub
    Corporate Foresight for Organizational Resilience?
    Audience: approx. 50 people
  • 25.02.2021 | Webinar Series by Qualitrain (eGym)
    Resilience and Leadership Strategies in Times of Home Office and Lockdown
    Audience: approx. 200 HR managers
  • 06.02.2021 | Women’s Astro Bar Camp
    Fear of Failure – What It Is and How to Deal With It
    Audience: approx. 60 female leaders
  • 29.01.2020 | PANDA Drink & Drive
    Leadership and Artificial Intelligence
    Audience: approx. 80 women in leadership roles
  • 18.02.2019 | IMPRESARIO, TOWA Digital
    Brave New Work – Perspectives on the Future of Work, Leadership, and Digitalization
    Audience: approx. 120 leaders and entrepreneurs
  • 14.11.2018 | Tag der Vorbild-Unternehmerinnen, BMWi
    Female Entrepreneurship – The Role of Role Models
    Audience: approx. 100 entrepreneurs invited by BMWi